When moving long distances such as across several states, you might find yourself feeling much more stressed out than usual. There is so much involved in moving and it can be hard to make sure everything gets done properly and in a timely manner. Whether it’s just yourself and your belongings you need to worry about or you have a whole big family to move, moving is never easy! Luckily there are things you can do to make sure your next move goes as smoothly as possible. Here are 4 tips for moving long distances.
Get Rid Of As Much As Possible
Thinning out what you own and getting rid of as much as possible before you move is a great way to reduce your own stress levels during the process. It may also be a way to make your new home truly feel different than your last place.
Choose a sofa that fits well into your new home and makes it feel warm and inviting. This way you can consider selling or donating your old sofa or other furniture that no longer sparks joy within you. Even if you’re not downsizing, getting rid of some stuff will be freeing, plus it gives you less to move!
Compare Prices
If you are hiring movers or just renting a moving truck and planning to do all the moving and driving yourself, there are going to be some costs involved in moving a long distance, and unfortunately they can be pretty high. Be sure to shop around and compare prices so that you don’t end up paying too much for moving costs. This way, you will be able to save money to fix up your new home or purchase new furniture or decor for it!
Keep In Touch With People
Keeping in touch with old friends after you move away from them may be easier said than done, but it’s important to make an effort if there are people you care about. Why not send an old fashioned handwritten letter via snail mail to remind someone you don’t live close to anymore that you care about them?
If that isn’t your style, an email or even just a basic text message every so often will suffice. Just because you are apart geographically doesn’t mean you can’t continue to maintain close relationships. You can even visit each other every so often.
Pack Carefully
Taking care and packing very carefully is crucial when it comes to moving, especially long distances. You need to make sure to pack up anything breakable with bubble wrap or something else to ensure it doesn’t break in the course of the move. Also, try to stay as organized as you can and label boxes in order to avoid anything getting lost along the way.
Moving a long distance doesn’t have to be difficult and stressful if you don’t allow it to be! Hopefully these simple tips will help you out.